فارسی عربي

Iran ethnic dolls in custody of French lady

Ethnic dolls of a country serve as a window to its local cultural heritage with Iran serving a great case in point.


Ethnic dolls of a country serve as a window to its local cultural heritage. This also holds true in the case of Iran where such dolls are dressed in local clothes for various ethnicities.

Rahgoshay Museum in Isfahan Province’s Badrud city is home to Iranian ethnic dolls as unique cultural symbols, each representing a distinct ethnicity and the dynamic treasures in the country.

The museum curator is a French lady named Miriam Gotz who has been living in Iran for more than two decades. She has told the media of her intention for the collection that, “when I came here after a short while, I noticed children’s lack of sufficient knowledge regarding their identity and ethnic background. They only knew their grandparents and were unaware of their profession and how they lived.”

“I found out these children have become immersed in technology and online games and had no intimate relationship with their past generation, except for a few counters at feasts, parties, and celebration occasions,” she also said of her reason to set up the museum with Iranian ethnic dolls.

Rahgoshay House Museum has grabbed the "Museum of the Year 2016" ICOM award. 

